


    英国,这个建在欧洲西部大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛东北部及附近岛屿上,四周为北海和大西洋所包围的岛国,曾占有过相当于本国国土面积111倍的殖民地,以“日不落帝国”的声威深刻地影响着世界。  英国在7世纪进入封建时代,经过了200多年七国争战的盎格鲁-撒克逊时代,公元829年韦塞克斯国王实现了英格兰的统一,16世纪初英格兰与威尔士合并。经过英国人自豪不已的光荣革命,英格兰先后与苏格兰和爱尔兰合并。在世界进入一个新纪元的时刻,18世纪的英国率先开始了工业革命,在蒸汽机的运转中强大起来的岛国将英国国旗插在了欧洲、亚洲、非洲和澳洲的大片土地上,至今大英博物馆中陈列的来自世界各地的珍宝,都是当年势力遍及世界的大英帝国辉煌过的留证。  英国悠久的历史造就了英国古典的文化气质,至今保留的众多中古小镇,是英国的沉年积淀中最为迷人之处。而如英格兰格子般古典雅致的英格兰学院风情、如苏格兰短裙和风笛般粗豪率真的苏格兰旷野风情、如爱尔兰神话般神秘又不失纯真的爱尔兰风情等不可磨灭的民族风情,无不以自己的方式诠释着本民族的形象,这也正是古老英国的魅力所在。

  United Kingdom is an island country to the west of the Eurasia Continent once occupying numerous colonies totaling 111 times big of its domestic land area. Till today, precious treasures from all over the world are collected in the British Museum in its capital London. London also boasts royal architecture like Buckingham Palace, galleries, and parks, making it a city full of both classical and modern atmosphere. A discover trip to the surrounding Oxford, Cambridge, Windsor Castle, and historical cities Bath and Canterbury will help you know more about the region. Going westward, the Wales full of idyllic scenery will leave you some different impressions. Going northward, medieval castles and melodious flute in Edinburgh and clear lakes and deep valleys in other parts of Scottish Highlands will unveil another different painting in front of you. Across the strait to the west, is the Northern Ireland where you will for sure marvel at the craftsmanship of the nature. In short, United Kingdom is a traveling-worthy destination and you should enjoy a United Kingdom Tour at least one time in your life!


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